Making a permanent place for creative art-making in Dutch healthcare

Art-making supports the wellbeing of people in care and their caregivers. Art can also encourage healthy living.

In a nutshell

The arts in health field uses artistic practices to support  and encourage active participation in wellbeing and recovery. Arts in health professionals use a variety of art forms to support care. The practice brings creative activities directly to healthcare settings, communities, and homes, empowering people to pursue their own wellbeing.

Old woman drawing

Dutch healthcare is undergoing an important transition. Our health system can no longer afford to focus merely on disease and what people are unable to do. We must move beyond ‘What is the matter with the patient?’ to ‘What matters to the patient?’ Research shows that the arts have an important contribution to make in this transition, as creativity encourages people to focus on what they can do - on possibilities instead of problems.

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Arts in health is an emerging, rapidly growing field of practice, research and education in the Netherlands. Arts in health requires the participation of not only professional artists, but also healthcare professionals, educators, researchers, social workers, funders, and policymakers. We encourage you to explore how you can get involved !

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